25 Tasks You Can Outsource to a Creative Virtual Assistant Team

by | Virtual Support

Trena V. Stubbs

Creative Virtual Assistant TasksStop being so down on yourself. It’s okay if you don’t have the skills or time to do everything your business needs to function. It can be a struggle trying to grow your business when there are so many things on the back-end that need your attention.

Virtual Assistants are designed to help you with your workload. They come with various specialties like administrative, financial, creative, real estate, etc. Trust me, there is a virtual assistant out there with all of the skills required to handle the tasks that you want to delegate.

In this post, I want to share some examples of projects or tasks you can delegate to a virtual assistant that has creative experience.

  1. Website design or re-design
  2. Website maintenance
  3. Set up autoresponders using programs like Mail Chimp, Aweber, InfusionSoft, Constant Contact, etc.
  4. Prepare PowerPoint Presentations
  5. Creating banners for your online promotions
  6. E-commerce setup and maintenance
  7. Design marketing collateral (business cards, postcards, flyers, brochures, etc.)
  8. Social media comment moderation
  9. Write blogs and add appropriate images, tags, titles and descriptions
  10. Publish email marketing campaigns
  11. Set up your social media profile (i.e. Facebook, YouTube and Instagram)
  12. Set up and manage your social media marketing campaigns
  13. Image editing
  14. Write and publish press releases
  15. Search engine optimization
  16. CRM setup
  17. Design your E-book cover
  18. Help with your product launch
  19. Format your E-book
  20. Design graphics for social media posts
  21. Create infographics
  22. Design or redesign your logo
  23. Assist in creating online marketing strategies
  24. Assist in company re-branding
  25. Create lead nurturing campaigns