4 Reasons to Use a Virtual Assistant

by | Virtual Support

Trena V. Stubbs

Benefits to Using a Virtual AssistantSmall business owners and solo entrepreneurs often get stuck wearing every name tag in their company. They are typically the administrative team, the marketing team, the service provider, the sales team, customer support and any other title that needs to be handled. No one person can do everything all of the time. Eventually you’re going to get burned out.

Virtual Assistants are a great way to relieve some of this pressure and stress. Virtual Assistants are professional that are trained in various areas and their sole purpose is to help your business run more efficiently.

Some other benefits to using virtual services include…..

  1. No need to purchase equipment or software. Virtual Assistants provide services for your business from their own location. They are business owners themselves so there is no need to purchase computers, software, fax machines, etc. Virtual Assistants use their own equipment and software to help you run your business.
  2. No need for office space or having some stranger work inside your home. Virtual Assistant provide support virtually which means that you are not required to provide a place for them to operate.
  3. Limited training. In many situations training for your Virtual Assistant will not be required. The trick in this case is to find a virtual assistant that works with similar types of businesses as yours. You’ll find that most of the tasks you need to have completed they’ve already done in a similar fashion for other business owners in your industry. Don’t worry, virtual assistants practice extreme confidentiality, they will never share your company details.
  4. Pay for what you need. You only have to pay for the time a virtual assistant actually worked on your task or project. When you’re putting someone on payroll, you are required to pay them from the time they clock in until the time they clock out. Do you really think they are working the entire time?


Trena Stubbs is the owner of Apex Virtual Solutions. Key services include website design/maintenance, online marketing, administrative support and customer service support. Visit https://apexassisting.com to sign up for our newsletter and receive free valuable small business tips and resources.