How many pages should your website have?

by | Branding & Growth

Trena V. Stubbs

The number of pages a website should haveBuilding an online presence is a huge conversation among small business owners. Everyone is surfing the internet today whether it’s via desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile phone. Let’s face it, we all want to be #1 on Google and we all want to have the best website in our industry.

There are so many details that go into the planning of a business website and one of the questions that always surfaces is the number of web pages needed. How many pages does a good website need to have?

Studies have shown that companies with 51-100 pages on their website generate an average 48% more online traffic than companies with 1-50 pages. Before you go into panic mode, you don’t have to create all of these pages at once. It’s better to have 10 pages with high quality content than 150 pages of information thrown together with no purpose or structure. It is absolutely okay to start with a small website as long as the site is structured for growth or expansion. The goal should be to ensure that your website has all of the information your prospects are looking for and need to make the decision to work with you.

You are really going to be surprised at how many pages you can create once you sit down and start writing. A hundred pages seems massive so to help you get started, I have prepared a short list of pages you can include on your website that will help increase your online presence and provide your prospects with some valuable information.

  • Homepage
  • Individual Service or Product Pages. You can create a page for each individual service or product that your business offers.
  • Company or About Page
  • Who You Work With Page
  • Getting Started or Working with Us Page
  • Contact Page
  • Customer Testimonials Page
  • Portfolio or Work Samples Page
  • Privacy Policy Page
  • Terms and Conditions Page
  • Sitemap
  • Thank You or Confirmation Pages. Visitors are redirected to these type pages when an order is placed, they have subscribed to your newsletter, they have registered for your event and son on.
  • Landing Pages. Landing pages are created to capture important information from your prospects. You can have a landing page for your free offer, your newsletter sign-up, an event and son on. The larger number of landing pages on your website, the higher the conversion percentage.

So the biggest takeaway here is to ensure that your website has substance. While the end result is to have a huge number of pages, let the focus be on quality. Build a great foundation and give yourself room to grow.

Is there something of value you’d like to add or maybe you have a question you’d like answered? Either way, let’s chat in the comments section below.